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The Simplicity ecosystem is evolving, here are the changes

The Simplicité ecosystem is evolving, here are the changes

News for the community, the changes:

We mentioned the subject during our 2nd user club, it is now done, the old forum is transformed into a space friendlier and more collaborative. We are confident that you will go very quickly Appropriate yourself This space and y collaborate effectively.

This space is divided into two parts: a Private that is specific to your projects and to our specific interactions, and a Public which allows you to ask general questions about how the platform works.

A space for community exchange

Capture d’écran 2016-05-27 à 17.23.13, here is the new community space intended to replace the current forum, allowing the exchange of questions and answers. Some of these features include:

  • Public and/or private space
  • Reputation of members
  • Profile management
  • Badges
  • Easy navigation
  • Notification history
  • Notifications
  • ...

If you want to know a bit more about how to use the platform, we advise you to read this topic.

We take all your Feedback right here.

A new site for the platform's hub: Simplicité.io, The entry point to access all available Simplicity resources is online in its new version!

In particular, you will find:

  • Direct access to the following platforms: Bluemix, Docker, Docker, Heroku, OpenShift and more generally all connectors.
  • Access to documentation, resources, and the forum.
  • A Sandbox deployment button (free for a 1-month trial period).